Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books" review...three years later

Thanks to a recent Google Alert, I learned of a review for Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman that slipped by me in 2008. It's from the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (Volume 62, Number 2, 10/08) and I'm glad it didn't stay hidden forever. Here's a passage:

Nobleman presents them honestly as awkward teens, frustrated adults, and, for a long time, exploited and uncredited creative artists. However, the author also focuses on their imaginative skills, their remarkable collaborative triumphs that started at very young ages, and their ultimate contribution of the best-known superhero in comics for over seventy years. The text is snappy and effectively episodic, honing in on moments of frustration and elation with which readers will readily empathize. MacDonald’s blocky, vividly colored illustrations are an ideal complement to the text, drawing from the idealism and Americana of the comics themselves.

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