The video: “Caught Up in You” by 38 Special.
The girl-now-woman: Shari Shattuck.
How old were you when you appeared in the “Caught Up in You” video?
Uh, well, I’m 53 now, so it must have been 18? Somebody else do the math. [MTN: 22.]
Where were you living at the time?
I was living in Atlanta. I was modeling there.
What music videos, shows, or movies had you appeared in prior to that?
I hadn’t done any other music videos. I had done a few television commercials.I started my acting career shorty after this when I moved to New York and began to study acting. We filmed two videos, actually. I don’t remember the second song, but the video picks up where the first one left off. I actually liked that video better—it was a bit more moody and cinematic. [MTN: It was “You Keep Runnin’ Away”]:
I also did one other music video, for the lead singer of Atlanta Rhythm Section—Ronnie, I think? But that was after, on a return trip from New York.
How were you cast in “Caught Up in You”?
I think I went on an interview, but I held the dubious title of top model in Atlanta at the time, so I believe I was requested for this.
Do you remember what your reaction was when you were cast?
It sounded like fun, but not a lot of money. I remember thinking the pay was nothing compared to my modeling rate.
What were you paid?
Not enough! But the experience on set was valuable, and it was fun to do something different.
Were you a 38 Special fan?
Not in particular. I did like their music, but I was always more of a jazz and blues kind of gal. I had been a competitive ice skater, and my parents were big supporters of the arts, so classical, opera, and alternative were my usual fare.
Where was the video filmed?
It was a big club in Atlanta, midtown I think. I don’t recall the name of it.
Looooong. Two days for “Caught Up in You” and another day or so on the other, but the hours were absurd. That’s what you get for taking non-union work! LOL.
How did you feel making the video?
How did I feel? Mmmm, well, it was a job. Fun to be moving instead of posing. I felt like it was a step in the direction I wanted to go, toward acting.
What was the hardest part of the shoot?
Being “up” when we’d been waiting on the set for 14 hours or so. Of course, after twenty-something years of working on sets, I’ve gotten used to conserving energy until I need to call it up. Being 18 or so helped, of course. Energy to burn!
How was it to work with 38 Special? What were they like? Did any of them hit on you?
No, nobody hit on me. My then-boyfriend was with me most of the time, and honestly, we barely saw the [band]. They spent their time off in a “green room” and were very difficult to get to the set. It was a bit annoying, but I understood that they had been on tour and were exhausted. This was fun time for them, so there was a good bit of drinking and joking around. That was tough on the crew working such long hours.
Any funny stories from the shoot?
I do remember that I was supposed to make this amazing pool shot. They had a shark come in to do the actual shot, of course, but we gave it a shot with me. He set up the table and told me where to hit the cue ball. I am not a pool player. I whacked away and that white ball went flying off the table. It was a good laugh.
Anything go wrong on the shoot?
Not that I can remember. The toughest thing was getting the band to come in and shoot when they were ready…lots of grumbling about that.
What did you think of the video?
I thought it was fun. Not the most profound pile of steaming art, as we say in the film industry, but fun to do and to watch.
My mom liked it. My dad’s always been fairly indifferent to my work. He likes that I work hard and am good at whatever I do, but what it is…he’s not that concerned with.
What did your friends think of it?
A lot of jealousy, as I recall. Modeling is very competitive and I kind of waltzed off with [the] “good job” when it showed up in town. I remember I had to deal with SAG wanting to come to the set and shut us down. But we got through it. I didn’t work on non-union shows after that video and one film. The film about killed me.
Did you watch the MTV World Premiere of the video, and if so, where and how did that feel?
Nope, didn’t see it. They sent me a videotape.
Did the video ever affect your dating life in any way (i.e. when you first told boyfriends you were the woman in it)?
No. I was always doing something or other that got me more attention than I understood. The Playboy cover, for example.
Then it was films and commercials, etc. I suppose there were people who were very into [the video], but interestingly enough, that wasn’t a big “a-ha” thing for me. I left for New York shortly after, so maybe I was just really busy starting a new life.
Did you receive fan mail? If so, do you still have any of it?
I still get the occasional email or comment on my website about it. But good Lord, it’s been over thirty years! I’m not a keeper of fan mail and the like. It’s nice to see, respond to, and then it’s relegated to the past.
Did the video generate any controversy that you know of?
Absolutely not.
Were you ever recognized in public?
I was recognized often, but I don’t remember it being for that in particular, though I’m sure it must have sometimes been. Atlanta is a big/small town, and there was seldom a weekend that I wasn’t in a full page ad for something or other in the Atlanta Journal. So it’s hard to remember one thing from another.
Did you appear in other music videos after that?
Just the ones mentioned above.
Did you ever meet other women who were female leads in a mainstream ‘80s rock video?
Oh my goodness, I’m blanking on her name right now, but Bruce Springsteen’s first wife—Julie Anne? Julie…Sue? (Mental void, arggh!) She and I started out modeling with Elite at the same time. Years later, when she was on Sisters, I played a recurring role for several episodes. I know she was in one of his, at least. What is her name? You’ll know. Nice lady. Julianne Phillips! That was it. And of course once I was in L.A., you couldn’t eat breakfast at Du-par’s without a video gal chucking some hash browns at you. Very competitive, as I said.
If you went to college, where and what did you study?
I did not go to college, but I’m very self-educated. I love science and literature. Of course—I’m a writer!
What are you doing these days?
I just finished my first film in quite a long time, Scream at the Devil. I also write. I have six published novels. My first, Loaded, was in 2003. [It] is the first in the “Callaway Wilde” series, of which there are four—Loaded, Lethal, Liar, and Legacy. I also have a psychic thriller series: Eye of the Beholder and Speak of the Devil.
I live in the National Forest above Los Angeles.
I am married, but my husband spent most of that time (six years) traveling around the world, so he missed the music [video] scene. Also, he’s a theatre director and actor, so he’s more into Shakespeare than pop music! He directed Scream at the Devil. That’s why I agreed to do the movie after a few years off of film and TV acting. I did continue to do theatre for the last number of years, but I needed to be home to raise my girls. Now they are big and I can go back to do a bit. Though I love writing best! Working in PJs (as I am right now) is the best!
Tell me about your kids.
Two girls, 19 and 14. The joys of my life.
I don’t think they’ve ever seen it. Both of them have grown up on sets and in theatres surrounded by actors and directors much more famous than mom and dad. So they aren’t easily impressed. When everyone at school has parents who are household names, your perspective is a bit different!
Not sure if you were for real.
Has anyone else ever interviewed you about this?
I think yes, at the time—a couple of magazines and newspapers, probably in Atlanta. I actually was the “Dean guitar girl” and that got me more attention in the world of rock and roll!
Not for that, but for other things. Of course when I was on The Young and the Restless, it was kind of mandatory.
Did you stay in touch with 38 Special?
How do you look back on the experience?
I knew nothing. But I paid attention and learned things about set etiquette, flow, who does what, etc. So…it was good.
Anything you’d like to add?
Thank you for taking the trouble to get in touch with me.
Next: Adam Ant, “Goody Two Shoes” (1982).
Great interview! Thank you for taking up my suggestion!
ReplyDeleteI didn't see it mentioned, but an ex-husband of hers is Ronn Moss, known better for his years on the soap opera "The Bold & the Beautiful," but a "rock star" in his own right--he was the bassist in Player ("Baby Come Back").
ReplyDeleteCool to learn the "What ever happened to....."
ReplyDeleteStill beautiful
ReplyDeletetoo scripted to be interesting.... Id love to hear her real comments.... She was a cute girl....
ReplyDeleteWhen I glimpsed "SCUINY",I thought it was Ellen Foley (must of been the hair style, clothes and angle. Once a close-up, I knew immediately knew it was Ms. Shattuck. Didn't know she was married to Player's R. Moss. That would be great to hear about in another interview.