Friday, March 6, 2015

Haverford School, Pennsylvania

On 2/20/15, I drove three hours to Pennsylvania for a one-day ski trip. On 2/22, I drove home. First thing on 2/23, I drove three hours back to (a different part of) PA for an author visit at Haverford School, and first thing on 2/24 I drove home…only to turn around and fly to California that night.

Haverford is a lovely all-boys school, and my superstar host was Carolyn Harkins (a friend).

I got to share a sign with donuts, a first. I did not, however, get to share the actual donuts, which followed me by a day.

The school ordered a generous amount of my books to sell during their book fair, and I’m told they sold most of them.

The only kink was that the projector conked out for one of my three talks—the one for the youngest students (pre-kindergarten through second grade). I thought it would be a challenge to hold their attention without any visuals for 30 minutes, but it wasn’t—which speaks highly of these kids.

Thank you again to Carolyn, your fellow PTAers, and the boys themselves for making this a wonderful visit.

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