Sunday, December 2, 2018

Best wrong-but-really-right number ever

In 2013, I was prepping round 2 of my "girl in the video" series for which I tracked down and interviewed 50 or so iconic 1980s MTV ingenues from "Sister Christian" to all five women in the "Addicted to Love" band. 

I was looking for Cindy Horn, the woman in the video for Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters."

On a public records site I have often used for research, I found what was listed as her number and called. Her husband answered. Mildly annoyed yet still polite, he said I was actually using his private home line. I apologized and told him where I got it. He said he hates when that happens. I understand.

Her husband is Alan Horn, Chairman of Walt Disney Studios.

But he took my info and gave Cindy the message.