Friday, November 15, 2024

Speaking at the Capital Jewish Museum [AKA DC in DC]

This past summer, I reluctantly loaned Bill Finger’s paperweight—one of the only items he owned that still survives—and other items to a Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum exhibit about the role of Jews in the comic book industry, with special focus on Washington DC-area contributors. 

On 11/11/24, I gave a talk at the museum about Bill—and Jerry, and Joe, and Jews. 

I have long compared the dramas of the creators of Superman and Batman to Biblical tales. I liken the conflict between Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and what is now DC Comics to David and Goliath—an upstart underdog versus a seemingly immovable object. I see the Bill Finger/Bob Kane injustice as a Cain/Abel allegory—brother versus brother. You can’t overlook that homophonic Cain/Kane.

And then there’s the Moses parallel.

Thank you, CJM, both for inviting me to speak with your community and for taking good care of Bill’s bronze bug.

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