Monday, January 25, 2016

American Heritage School, Florida

On 1/21/16, I spoke four times at the two campuses (Plantation and Delray Beach) of the American Heritage School in Florida.

Meanwhile, up north, the historic blizzard was bearing down. While I was bummed to miss this monster snowstorm, I had a monster of a time in the Sunshine State.

One of the libraries boasts (fake but fantastic) trees and an enormous underwater grotto which makes for one of the most memorable book talk spaces in the country.

Another special treat: my friend Athena Finger, lone grandchild of Bill Finger, was able to attend one of the talks. It’s been more than two years since she has last seen me present, and, of course, a lot has changed since then.

Thank you to Debbie Washburn, Patricia Deben, Zana White, and everyone else involved in bringing me to AHS. I hope to visit your campus of natural wonders again.

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