Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Girl in the Video: original interviews with icons of 1980s MTV

I can’t sing (well).

I can’t play an instrument. 

And though I can write, I have never written about music.

However, I love music. Especially ‘80s music.

How much?

This much:

1988. Black jean jacket and high school gym shorts. I am sorry.

So I am following up the oral history of superhero entertainment of my formative years with an oral history of music videos of my formative years…which happens to overlap with the formative years of music videos themselves.

born 1981

In other words, “Where Are They Now?: 1980s Video Vixens Edition.”

This blog shares stories behind the stories I write; with this series, it’s more broadly about stories behind stories that have inspired me to write stories. I can’t write with music on, but music injects me with a certain passion—a rhythm, even—I call upon, in silence, when writing. 

(And running. I am still bummed that Nike does not still hold its Run Hit Wonder race, which I did in New York in 2004. A Flock of Seagullss “I Ran [So Far Away]” was a highlight...naturally.)

But no one-hit wonders here.

These are the videos, by year, whose famous faces/crushes for countless teens I interviewed:








7/6/14 addendum: Round 2 (27 more videos, 29 more women)!

Most of these former starlets were pretty tough to find and have never been interviewed about their videos. (The VH1 series Where Are They Now? featured two episodes on this subject. As far as I can tell, none in this feature appeared on “Video Vixens 1” [season 2, episode 8, 7/28/00], and only two here, Signy Coleman and Bunty Bailey, appeared on “Video Vixens II” [season 2, episode 24, 11/28/00]. I made those exceptions because their videos are two personal favorites.)

Similarly, I did not include video stars who are now household names (Courteney Cox, Christie Brinkley, Tawny Kitaen, Helena Christensen) or who have been covered elsewhere (Ola Ray,
Jeana Ellen Keough [Jeana Tomasino], Lillian Muller, Betsy Lynn George).

Some of the thirteen videos profiled here were regulars on big-brand “best music videos” lists, back when they used to make “best music videos” lists:

“Take On Me” (almost always in the top 50)

  • #8 VH1 Top 100 Music Videos of All Time (2001)
  • #9 Rolling Stone Top 100 Music Videos (1993)
  • #14 MTV 100 Greatest Music Videos of All Time (1999)
  • #35 MTV 500 Greatest Videos of All Time (1997)
  • All-TIME Best Music Videos (2011; 10 per decade, unranked within each decade)

“Addicted to Love” (almost always in the top 50)

  • #8 MTV (1999)
  • #30 VH1
  • #43 MTV (1997)

“Don’t Come Around Here No More” (sometimes in the top 50)

  • #14 Rolling Stone
  • #43 VH1
  • #79 MTV (1997)
  • #85 MTV (1999)
  • TIME

“The Boys of Summer”

  • #23 Rolling Stone
  • #53 VH1
  • #67 MTV (1999)
  • #94 MTV (1997)


  • #22 MTV (1997)
  • #96 VH1

“Free Fallin’”

  • #56 MTV (1997)

“Summer of ‘69”

  • #161 MTV (1997)

“I Want a New Drug”

  • #166 MTV (1997)

Conversely, “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” has been called (unfairly, I say) one of the worst videos ever made.

Curiously, Patty Elias’s ex-husband wrote the MTV theme, which makes them an MTV power (ex-)couple like no other:

Warning as you proceed into the series (and therefore the ‘80s): more mustaches than you remember.

Three of the most pressing questions of the ‘80s music landscape will be answered in this series:

Three of my (many) favorite comments (to find out who said them, stay tuned):

  • “I got rock-star-by-proxy status.”
  • “We were dangerous ornaments.”
  • “Me in a music video in a negligee was not a topic of conversation at the dinner table.”

Three fun facts you get right now:

  • Two “Huey girls” (Janet Cross and Signy Coleman) dated Don Henley.
  • Signy knew both Janet and JoAnn Willette.
  • Janet is the great-great granddaughter and Margaret Olmsted Menendez’s father said she is the great-great niece of Central Park designer Frederick Law Olmsted. What are the chances that FLO would be related to not one but two video vixens?

Bonus fact:

  • The video for “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield barely has a girl in it. [NOTE: I originally wrote that it does not have a girl in it, but after a reader corrected me in the comments, I made the tweak here.]

Three I found who responded to my interview request although they normally don’t:

  • Patty Elias
  • Traci Lind
  • the first person on the next list…

Three I found who chose not to participate:

  • Steve Perry, “Oh Sherrie” (1984) – Sherrie Swafford (she respectfully declined a full interview but did give me permission to share a brief update)
  • The Cars, “You Might Think” (1984) – Susan Gallagher
  • The Moody Blues, “Your Wildest Dreams” (1986) – Janet Spencer-Turner

 Sherrie Swafford; “Oh Sherrie”

Susan Gallagher; “You Might Think”

Janet Spencer-Turner; “Your Wildest Dreams”

Three I wanted to find but haven’t…yet:
  • Night Ranger, “Sister Christian” (1984) – Annie Hubbard; 8/25/13 addendum: found her!
  • Cinderella, “Shake Me” (1986) – name unknown
  • Richard Marx, “Should’ve Known Better” (1987) – name unknown

 Annie Hubbard; “Sister Christian” 

 name unknown (but not Amanda Peet!); “Shake Me” 

name unknown; “Should’ve Known Better”

To quote the Moody Blues, “I know youre out there somewhere.”

Three matters of housekeeping:
  • I conducted the interviews between January and July 2013.
  • Stills from videos are copyright their respective labels. I got permission to post all previously unpublished images; if you want to repost, please do the same by asking me first. You know the music business does not tolerate piracy.
  • I am crowdsourcing to add to this series. See next...

THREE REQUESTS (and please lend a hand no matter when you’re reading this):

  • TWEET to help me find the three I didn’t; this can work!; simply copy and paste any or all of the following pleas (character count is Twitter-ready, but once pasted, you may need to delete extra spaces) or craft your own; if everyone reading this takes a moment to tweet even one, I am confident we will find some if not all of them:
Real research question: if you know the Annie Hubbard who was in 1984 Night Ranger video “Sister Christian,” pls contact @MarcTNobleman; 8/25/13 addendum: found her!

Real research question: if you know the woman
even just her name—in 1986 Cinderella video “Shake Me,” pls contact @MarcTNobleman

Real research question: if you know woman—even just her name—in ‘87 Richard Marx video “Should’ve Known Better,” pls contact @MarcTNobleman

  • SHOW LOVE: if you want Susan and/or Janet to reconsider, say so in comments below; perhaps an outpouring of interest will persuade them

  • VOTE: tell me in comments below who you would like me to next find and interview?

First up: Huey Lewis and the News, “Heart and Soul” (1983) and “I Want a New Drug” (1984).


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bnh123 said...

This is incredible! I can't wait to read all of the updates. I've been looking forward this ever since you started dropping hints/asking questions on facebook.

OldSchool80s said...

What an awesome idea. I can't wait to read it all. Keep me updated!

Anonymous said...

There was to a girl in the Jessie's Girl video. She appears with actor Steve Antin. Why would there not be a girl in the video?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Anonymous - thanks for catching that goof. I swear when I watched the video on YouTube while prepping this series, those scenes with the girl were not in it. I'm baffled.

But glad to be corrected. Now I have to try to find her. Thanks.

Dex said...

Hey Marc! This is a fantastic project and I can't wait to see more of the interviews. I blogged about it over at

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Dex - huge thanks for your support!

Anonymous said...

Great idea. I would love for you to find the girl in the Rod Stewart video for Lost In You. Not the main girl, but one of the strippers who performs, the one with fantastic butt. If you are familiar with the video you will know who I am talking about.

Unknown said...

Best news ever!1

Unknown said...

Since you asked for suggestions, now here is my request of finding more video lovely ladies: Steve Miller Band "Bongo Bongo". Check out the video and you will be enchanted. (The song is a great dance tune as well!)

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Thanks for the suggestion (and kind words), wuenchdog. I had not heard of (or at least didn't remember) "Bongo Bongo." You can SMELL the '80s on that video!

Joe Armstrong said...


Awesome blog idea! I can't wait to read these.

Nice work on this. Keep the 80s alive!!!

Unknown said...

I have always been in love with one of the girls on the Damn Yankees video "Coming of Age". She's the black haired tall girl who says her name is "Maybe". Any idea what her name is or maybe do an interview? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know the identity of the lovely dark-haired beauty from Bryan Adams' song "Cuts Like A Knife." I've done some basic research in the past, but it's clear that you have the appropriate level of skill and passion to tackle this task. I'll keep my fingers crossed and will love to learn about the backstory. -- Paul from Vientiane, Laos

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Thanks Paul. Her name is Raquel Pena and she is included in the book I WANT MY MTV: Perhaps she should have a longer interview though...

Unknown said...

Hmmm how about the girl in "what it takes" by aerosmith or "forget me not" by bad english

Liquid Rock EXA said...

Incredible and wonderful idea! Love everyone of your interviews, it is great to know about this video girls! Will help u as I can to share your info about these missing ladies! I have Rock Radio Show in México, called LiquidRockExa and will do a special show with this topic and speaking about you and your work! Felicidades amigo!

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Liquid Rock EXA - I would be so thrilled if you'd spread word any way you can!

You see the three I am looking for, plus also the woman/anyone from:

"Jessie's Girl" (Rick Springfield)
"Tell Her About It" (Billy Joel)
"Centerfold" (J. Geils Band)

All help appreciated!

i♥80s said...

Wow, this is great! I still watch a lot of 80's music videos and always wondered why they don't have a website like imdb for music videos. The closest I've found is but it only shows the crew, not who was in the video.

Keep up the good work, I'll keep checking back for updates! This is so cool!!!

BTW here's a suggestion: the girl in George Harrison's "Got My Mind Set On You".

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

i♥80s - thanks! And thanks for the suggestion, which no one has made yet. Added to the list!

Anonymous said...

Great list and idea! What about the woman in "Come On Eileen"? I think I read somewhere where she was the sister to one of the members of Bananarama...

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Thanks! As it happens, emailed "Come On Eileen" woman today for round 2.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marc, I have a hard rock request for you. Can you track down the woman who played the "alpha female" in Motley Crue's "Looks That Kill" video?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

"Looks That Kill" - She may have already been covered (vaguely remember seeing this video mentioned in I WANT MY MTV or elsewhere), but I have added it to the list.

Anonymous said...

According to imdb, the name of the "alpha female" from the Looks That Kill video is Wendy Barry. Still, it would be interesting to hear if she remembered anything about the shoot, or if she's got any stories to tell. Thanks again, Marc. This is some great work you've done.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this GREAT work !!!!!!!
Marc there are some suggestions:

- Vinnie Vincent invasion's That time of year video

- The KISS "Lick it up" wild girls

- The KISS "All hell's breaking loose girls"

- Motley Crue's "Look that Kills" girls

Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds interesting but YouTube says can only view on a windows PC? Can't view it.

Marc Edward Heuck said...

This is an outstanding idea, and I'm glad you're taking on such a daunting challenge.

The one interview I would have really loved to read unfortunately can't happen. The lovely artist/musician Jayzik Azikiwe, who was "Rollergirl" in Dire Straits' "Skateaway" video, passed away years ago. Would it be within the structure of this project to talk to her family perhaps?

Here are a couple others I'd be curious to hear the stories of:

Avery Summers and Kim Silvers - Mike Nesmith's "Cruisin' [Lucy and Ramona and Sunset Sam]";

Shari Shattuck - .38 Special's "Caught Up In You";

And meanwhile, I'm sure you've read the long strange story of the search for the girl from Men Without Hats' "Safety Dance", ultimately revealed as Cosmopolitan UK editor Louise Court earlier this year.

Anonymous said...

I saw you were Tweeting with Steve Lukather from Toto, how's the search for the girl from the "Africa" video going? You should also look for the girls that were featured in the "Pamela" video.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Thanks Marc. Added to the list of potentials. No luck yet on "Africa."

Unknown said...

Great idea, 1 teeny tiny little suggestion: why not have a Table of Contents for the interviews, attached either to the masthead or the sidebar. It gets old having to scroll down & choose the women by the video they were in.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Dagny, but not sure I follow. This post contains the table of contents...?

danielrsilveira said...

What about the girl from Billy Idol's "Cradle of Love"? I had such a crush on her!

Anonymous said...

It's a shame you didn't ask Bunty Bailey about her Star Trek The Next Generation audition. She was on the shortlist for the role Denise Crosby got. It would have been interesting to find out how close she actually was to getting the part.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

silverhawk2112 - My focus was the video with the option at the end to discuss whatever else they've done, but she did not mention it. I can ask her now if you'd like?

ggo said...

Your challenge, should you accept it, would be to track down the gorgeous model/blonde in "How Soon is Now" video from The Smiths. She's nowhere to be found!

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

ggo - Added to the list of potentials!

thermoware1 said...

Please find the woman in the Peter Godwin "Images of Heaven" video. The one that was on MTV, obviously, not the adult themed one that was on the Playboy Network.

Anthony said...

I like the idea! i looked up tawny kitaen from the whitesnake video the other day, she has a facebook page

fdpc said...

OMG, incredible post !!!!! Congratulations, I will read it all, thanks thanks thanls and keep up the good work !!

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm interested to find out who the actresses were in Depeche Mode's Halo (from Violator, 1990)... I know one of them was Jenna Elfman! Thanks for the fascinating articles. It really is enthralling to recount the lives and careers of these people, from their perspective :)

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Hi Cordelia - thanks for the suggestions. I am wrapping up a round 2 and have added your suggestion to the list for a possible round 3.

Anonymous said...


I have mentioned your work on Audie England on my blog today:

Did you ever find out about the brunette on the beach in that Boys of Summer video?

I like this kind of screen archaeology myself. Here is a piece I wrote on a largely forgotten actress from the 1990s:

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

davidcollard - Thank you. I'm preparing a round 2 of this series and it will include an interview with another woman from "The Boys of Summer" video, the woman with the towel on her head; I have not found the third woman but apparently her first name was Claire.

Anonymous said...


Great. I look forward to more of your fascinating stuff.

The woman by the indoor pool was perfect for the part.

Good luck with finding "Claire".

yyyy said...

Marc I sent you a message on Facebook but don't know if you'll see it in your "other" folder since we aren't friends, the girl in the Toto Africa video is Jenny Douglas-McRae, she's also a backup vocalist with the band. I believe she's singing with Pink right now, she has a Twitter page,

Eric said...

Great project! Here's a request: the woman from the video for "Just Between You and Me" by Lou Gramm.

Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow? said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Justice said...

I've got a good one for you: the girl from the Tears for Fears "Head Over Heels" video. She's often erroneously credited as Rebecca DeMornay (but isn't). I'd love for you to set the record straight. :)

sheppma said...

Hey just found your site. Awesome stuff. Do you know who the actress is in the Electric Blue video by Icehouse?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

sheppma - I don't, sorry to say.

Unknown said...

How about the girl in Outfield's "All the Love in the World"?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

tj maui - She's already covered in the series:

owlcowl said...

Who was the gorgeous brunette doing the steamy scenes with Chris Isaak in his 1988 video "Dont Make Me Dream About You"? So much attention went to Helena Christianson for her turn with Isaak in the subsequent "Wicked Games" video, but I thought the dark-eyed beauty in DMMDAY was much sexier & the video more erotic. I cant find anything about her online, not even a name. Hope you have better luck!

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Thanks owlcowl. Almost done with round 2 (launching in July) but added to the list for a possible round 3.

Shane said...

Did you ever find out who teh blonde in the video is?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Shane, thought I did but turned out to be the wrong person. Any leads?

Brian said...

Any thoughts to finding the girls in the Bitney Fox "a Girl School" or Poison's "Fallen Angel" videos?

Avogadro said...

You mentioned the girl in the "shake me" video by Cinderella, but what about the blonde in "Nobody's Fool". It's the followup video to "Shake Me" with the same twin sisters. One person said it was Kristi Arthur of El Toro High school ('88). She looks like girl in "Shake Me" video but not "Nobody's Fool" video???

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Thanks Larry. But I don't follow - who mentioned Kristi Arthur? And where? And was that person saying Kristi was in the video for "Shake Me," "Nobody's Fool," or both?

Anon said...

You HAVE to find the girl from Poison's "Fallen Angel" video! She bore a strong resemblance to Nicole Eggert but was even more attractive, IMHO.

Arthur Tom said...

I also would like to know who the brunette actress is in Lou Gramm's video from "Just between you and me".

mike said...

I'd like to know who the blonde is in tony Carey,s "why me" mtv video

Unknown said...


Any info on the rather fetching lady in the video for Alice Cooper's "Poison"?

Vesper said...

I'm pretty sure the chick in the Fallen Angel video by Poison is Susie Hatton. She went on to date Brett Michaels I think. She was on Baywatch for a while (playing Maxine). Hope that helpds.

johnportho said...

Hello, who this sultry model was in the "Wild Horses" video by Gino Vannelli.

Unknown said...

The girl in the Electric blue film clip is Cassandra Delaney, john denvers ex wife.

Unknown said...

Try and get in contact with Alexis Denisof-A young Wesley from angel if possible and ask him who the girl was in I got my mind set on you clip was with him?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

OzFire000 - good suggestion, and I did it a while ago, and he was very nice, but remembered nothing that helped...

Anonymous said...

Hi marc ! do you know who the models are in "its not enough" music video by starship

Anonymous said...

Brian said...

This AM on Vh1 they showed Loveryboy'a "Hot Girls In Love" video...anyone ask who that girl is and where she is now?

Unknown said...

I would like to know who the sexy dark haired girl was in the dokken heaven sent video, she is gorgeous? whats her name and where is she now?

Anonymous said...

Hi marc ! do you know who the models are in "its not enough" music video by starship

Redlamp8 said...

I don't know if you are still actively involved in this project, but the girl I've always wondered the most about is from Don Henley's "Last Worthless Evening" video.

Unknown said...

Redlamp8 the girl from that clip is Clare Hoak

Anonymous said...

Do you know who is the girl in Starship
"its not enough" 1989

LANY said...

I know a woman who claims she was one of the Robert Palmer girls and appeared in "Addicted to Love" and 2 of his other videos. She looks like the girl with the guitar second from the right in Addicted to Love. Her name is Alison-Louise Mitchell, but I don't see her listed in your blog. Did the Robert Palmer Girls use aliases? Thanks.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

LANY, thanks for writing. The "Addicted to Love" women I interviewed do not know this name. However, I would like to contact Alison. Could you or she please email me at

Shane said...

We need to find this one out.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Shane, I've agreed for years:

But despite an exhaustive search with a close call, no luck yet.

Dawn said...

I have been surprised and dismayed not to find anywhere on the internet who the girl in Bon Jovi's "Living in Sin" video was, as she looks so familiar to me. I feel like she was in other videos of the era, or perhaps even a teen movie, but no search I did leads me anywhere except other people asking who she is. I'd love for someone to have better luck than I :)

Unknown said...

La misma de Pamela de ToTo..pero ni idea el nombre

Walnut Place Retreat said...

Joan Densmore from Toronto, Canada

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Yes, Walnut Place Retreat! Do you know how to reach her? Email me mtnobleman at gmail. Thanks!

raandy said...

Is Bunty Bailey the girl in Lou Reed's video "I Love You Suzanne"??

Unknown said...

Whos the leading lady in cinderellas video "nobodys fool"?

Executive Solutions said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Little Sparks said...

As a huge Cars fan, I too would love to read Susan Gallagher's account of starring in the "You Might Think" video. And thanks for the interview with Tara Shannon from the "Tonight She Comes" video, I learnt a few things, very interesting. (Thanks Tara also!)

Unknown said...

Always wondered who the blonde dancer was, in "Together Forever" (Rick Astley).

Unknown said...

Hello there I was wondering who is the dark haired girl featured in Dokken's Heaven Sent video. The only thing I could find was that she is Cajun. If you could identify her please let me know.

Andrew C said...

Bryan Adams, "Cut's Like A Knife" - always a favorite. Who is she?

raandy said...

Hey Dawn,

Thanks for sharing the Bon Jovi vid, had never seen that one and it's a doozy!! That girl looks an awful lot like the girl in the Aha "Take On Me" video, whose name is Bunty Bailey.... and who is ALSO the girl I suspect of starring in the Lou Reed video "I Love You Suzanne", but have also had no luck in verifying!!

Cheers, Phil


Where are they now? who they are? as you, I had these same questions, but you went beyond an found her!!, thank a lot.


Cassandra Delaney from the "Electric Blue" video by Icehouse, SHE'S HOT!!!

Norvik_1602 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

What it takes..Aerosmith...who is the girl in the bar?

the doctor said...

The girl in the music video for Cinderella - "I'm Coming Home". (1989)
I'd LOVE to know who she is, and if she did anymore acting / modeling?


BillTrep said...

Someone mentioned the Britny Fox "Girlschool" video quite a while back. The girl is Kim Anderson. She's also in David Lee Roth's "California Girls," Great White's "Once Bitten, Twice Shy," Guns 'N Roses's "Patience," and Babylon A.D.'s "Bang Go the Bells." She's allegedly also in Poison's "I Want Action" and an REO Speedwagon video.

Unknown said...

Who is the Girl in the bar "what it takes - Aerosmith2

Unknown said...

The girl in Cinderella's Nobody Fool videos name is Kristi Authur.

Unknown said...

Who is the girl in Toto's video for Pamela?

owlcowl said...

Any follow-up on the identity of the brunette gal in Chris Isaaks 1988 video "Dont make me dream about you"?

J said...

How about the redhead in the Randy Newman "I Love L.A." video?

JL said...

Winger - Headed For a Heartbreak. Anyone know the identity of the blonde model? Thanks.

Dave said...

There's some doubt as to who the girl in the Icehouse video "Electric Blue" is. Some say Cassandra Delaney, and some say Paris Jefferson. Please confirm?

owlcowl said...

Update: I found out that the dark-eyed brunette in Chris Isaaks steamy "Dont make me dream about you" video is none other than a very young Helena Bonham Carter! I would never have guessed it, based on seeing her in later years, but if you look at B&W images of her at 19-21, theres no mistaking it. I guess Chris was fond of making videos with sexy women named Helena.

Panopticon said...

Still no luck with who is the girl from Dokken's "Heaven Sent" video?

Curious George said...

I have really enjoyed reading your blog. What a terrific project you have done here.

lcl said...

Have you thought about making a book of this? A coffee table book would be amazing, but I bet licensing could be tough. Having this as some sort of print would be fantastic!

piper909 said...

How about Caroline Munro, who is also a Bond Girl and noted "Scream Queen" actress and Hammer Horror alumna? She appears in Adam Ant's "Goody Two Shoes" and she's very friendly and gracious, would probably be happy to be interviewed.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

piper909 - Your wish is granted:!

piper909 said...

Gosh, I missed this! Thanks for pointing it out to me. I'm a blind doofus.

Unknown said...

Suzi from the get the funk out music video.anyone know here real name?

Anonymous said...

I love to know who the girls are in the Fabulous Thunderbirds video Tuff Enuff, especially the girl in the white shirt with cut off sleeves and red neckerchief.

Unknown said...

Please, anybody...... Is Bunty Bailey the girl in Lou Reed's video "I Love You Suzanne"? The same one who was the cartoon girl in "Take On Me" by A-ha.....??

Unknown said...

Can you find who the actress in Motley Crue's 1989 Without You video is?

Unknown said...

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the interviews and even the comments people have left! I got online to try and find a certain hard-to-find video, got sidetracked (as I do), and I've been here for probably 2 hours! LOL! It's been fun, though :) Can't wait to see who else you find and read more! Good luck to you!!

Unknown said...

How about the "other girl" from 38 Special's If I'd been the one video? I think everyone knows Julianne aka the ex Mrs Springsteen. But who is the girl who cheats with Julianne's unseen man?

MRN said...

Hi Marc,

I couldn't find sources for the girls in Bryan Adams "Here I Am" song.
Hope to see your post about it soon.


superado said...

I only saw these recently...thank you so much for endeavoring to make these interviews! I'd love to hear more about the German(?) girl in Alphaville's "Big in Japan," the one who was made up like a geisha. Some online posts say she was the wife of the video's director, Dieter Meier, but another site says she's not and was a girl named Tanja.

Bryce L. said...

From what I've read, the girl in Alice Cooper's "Poison" video (the one who goes topless, in the uncensored version), her name is Rana Kennedy.

Unknown said...

The girl In Electric Blue is Paris Jefferson if you didn't know yet. I seen a tweet about her shared the other day on Icehouse's facebook page

Unknown said...

Some sites have said Jamie Presley. This can’t be since the girl in the video would be in her mid-fifties by now. I have searched high and low to find out who she is, and her identity is still a mystery.

Trina said...

I have always wondered who the pretty girl is in “The Prisoner” Howard Jones video. Thanks!

JL said...

Susie Hatton

Zaxxon said...

Great blog you have here Marc. I grew up in the 80’s and spent many an hour watching MTV & VH-1. As a red blooded American male, I also admired all the great looking ladies. So it’s really cool to see what they are up to today & what it was like for them during those times.

Question: I just re-discovered Climie Fisher’s 1988 hit song “Love Changes Everything” on YouTube and was wondering if you, or anybody else, could tell me more about the gorgeous ladies who appear in that video? Specifically the brunette background singer and the main actress as well. Thx!

Unknown said...

Would be great to know who the girls from Tony Carey's "First Day of Summer" were...

mganchanmi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My God, who is the drop dead gorgeous girl in Boston's Amanda video? I have searched the world over. Best set of legs ever!

JL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul Mclennon said...

Susie had a CD written mainly by Bret Michaels.songs coulda been poison rejects.

Paul Mclennon said...

Kristy Arthur.

Charles said...

Scorpions "Big City Nights" video:

16 seconds into the video there is a raven-haired beauty playing pool. She also appears, I believe later in the video stepping out of a car with one of the band members. Any idea who this woman was?

TimeCapsule said...

I was curious about the 1st girl featured in the “Lick it Up” video by KISS. Her name is Daisy, she lived in NYC and was in several other videos I believe.

Keith said...

Are you doing anything with this project anymore? Haven’t seen anything lately and no comments from you in over a year.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Hi Keith - not expanding this series at the moment! Thanks for your interest.

PhotoBob said...

dolfan012001 I know it's years, but maybe you'll still see this... The girl in the Damn Yankees "Coming of Age" video is Laurie Ann Carr, who went from this video to Playboy playmate in December 1986.

Shane said...

Updating the link

Yoda said...

Who is the blonde girl in the 38 Special video "Fantasy girl"?

LLuisBB said...

You could try Susan Gallagher again.
That song changed my life.
Thank you, Marc.

KellyC said...

OK, here's a challenge--the makeup girls in Goody Two Shoes--who is the absolutely stunning one in the middle? She's the one that Adam Ant puts some makeup on.

M&M said...

Elyse Taylor

KellyC said...

Um, no. I'm 99% sure it isn't Elyse Taylor, since she is only 16 or so.

Unknown said...

She's not the dark haired woman in the most common Boston Amana video I see all over YouTube. Try again

Unknown said...

I agree. The girl we're looking for is a bit older and long dark hair. Can't find her anywhere...

raandy said...

Please, anybody...... Is the girl in Lou Reed's video "I Love You Suzanne"? the same one who was the cartoon girl in "Take On Me" by A-ha (Bunty Bailey).....??

JL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charles said...

I STILL cannot believe no one knows who the raven-haired babe in Scorpions Big City Nights video is, playing pool. I think I knew, back in the '80s, but nope

raandy said...

Anybody know who is the girl at the end of this Climie Fisher video (Facts of Love)?

Unknown said...

Sent Dozens of Tweets, Asked MTV Veejays Martha Quinn, Mark Goodman, Alan Hunter and Nina Blackwood And They All Directed Me To Here...I Am Trying To Find Out Who The Model/Woman Is That Plays The Psychiatrist In The 1981 REO Speedwagon Music Video "Keep On Loving You." Can You Or Anyone Help Me?

Kevin said...

I'd like to know as well!

Charles said...

Again; does ANYONE know who the following ladies are in these videos:
1-Scorpions 'Big City Nights' video, the raven-haired beauty playing pool.

2-Glass Tiger "Someday" video, the two backup "singers" they look like sisters. Were they? Who are they?

Redlamp8 said...

I'm pretty sure it is documented who the many models were in the ZZ Top - Eliminator videos. But did we find out who the young lady was in the "Legs" video that worked in the shoe store and then was rescued by our hero and drove off in the dune buggy at the end?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Redlamp8...see above.

Redlamp8 said...

Thank you Marc Tyler Nobleman. I guess I was too lazy to look at the main page. ;)

raandy said...

Hi Claire,

do you know who is the girl in the Lou Reed video called "I love you Suzanne"??

Thanks in advance,


B-dog said...

James Reyne, "Hammerhead" The girl in the video is quite possibly the hottest woman ever in in a music video. I cannot find who she is anywhere. Maybe Australian, as James Reyne is.

corn chowder said...

Van Halen's "Feels So Good"
She barely appears in this video - twice - but the shoot was long enough to switch swimsuits.

Unknown said...

anyone knows who was the girl in the video for the song "take me a little while"by Coverdale and Page?

anonimous said...

anyone knows whos the girl in video amanda by boston?

Therule_34 said...

Who's the girl in the "Electric blue" video by Icehouse and the girl on "Hungry eyes" by Eric Carmen, also, all the pretty girls in "Rhythm of love" by Scorpions. Great job you're doing here!, Keep Glowing Bro!


Who's the girl in the "Electric blue" video by Icehouse and the girl on "Hungry eyes" by Eric Carmen, also, all the pretty girls in "Rhythm of love" by Scorpions. Great job you're doing here!, Keep Glowing Bro!

B-dog said...

Electric Blue - Paris Jefferson. From way up in the comments

ScoundrelNC said...

Have been looking for years, along with many other people, for the blonde woman in Joe Jackson's "Steppin Out" video. Found her on a couple of TV commercials but unnamed in those too. Commercials on YouTube.

Chuck Padgett said...

I have been looking for more info on the model on the cover of Revenge’s One True Passion album for many years. She is credited as just Revenge Girl Joanne. I recently saw the video for “Pineapple Face” (a song from that album) for the first time and there she was! (She’s the girl with dark hair.) This has sparked a new search for her identity and I figured this was as good a place as any to seek help.

Unknown said...

Is this Kim Anderson from Girlschool video?

bee eph said...

Centerfold was cast in Boston. Several of the girls were Emerson college in particular was good friends with Cheap Trick. I honestly don't want to say more as I was classmates, but that should help you find them.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

bee eph - Fingers crossed you see this! Thanks for replying. I greatly appreciate it. Please email me at mtnobleman at gmail. Please!

Joey said...

Who is the blonde in high enough by damn yankees?!

Luis R. Núñez said...

Who is the girl wearing the trenchcoat in the Outfield's "Say It Isn't So" video?

/Struggles_Daily said...

Same!!! This is the closest I've come to finding her, but still no dice! Please come out of retirement to find this woman!

Unknown said...

Who is the red head girl in the video Tuff Enough? Thanks

Unknown said...

Who is the red head girl in Ruff enough?

Unknown said...

Lol Tuff enough video

IrishinNJ72 said...

Richard Marx "Should've known better" video girl. I'm guessing you've tried several avenues to find out this girls identity. But I believe that Marx once said in an interview that the girl in question was someone that the director, Dominic Sena knew and hired her himself. So it's possible that if you can contact him, he might be able to point you to her. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

Does anyone know the name of the harmonica player on the "Wild Horses" video by Gino Vannelli?

Curious said...

Who is the girl in "Without your love" video by TOTO?

Patti said...

On October 18, 2020 Joey said "Who is the blonde in High Enough by Damn Yankees?" I would like to know who the man is that was with her. I met him a few years ago at a Winn Dixie one night I was shopping late. He struck up a conversation with me but I cannot recall his name. Who is he? Thank you...

Anonymous said...

You would think so Unknown; she looks like could be a more mature version.. But in one of those videos she’s interviewed and says she grew up in Alabama and had some relevation in 1979 that led her to Bible study. With her thick Southern accent and those facts, I think it’s a crazy coincidence.

BloggerJD said...

Who is the blond backup dancer with the black and white skirt in Rick Astley's "Together Forever" video? Did she stay in the music/entertainment business?

Unknown said...

I was in the Poison video I want action. I hold the guitar while CC devile comes from behind me and plays it while I hold it. I was blonde and wearing a blue dress with a diamond cut out center.

raandy said...

Who is the girl in Lou Reed's video for "I Love You Suzanne"? My guess is Bunty Bailey....


Who is the girl in the TV on Dire Straits' "Money for nothing"?

Anonymous said...

One of the girls in the Centerfold video is Rochelle 'Rock' Joseph. She's a stylist who was very active in the Boston club scene. I sent an e-mail to Marc telling him about her, and I hope he gets to talk to her at some point. I decided to post this comment because quite a few people were looking for information about those girls.

Spiderwilliams said...

Awsume time consuming job. Well done. Heres one for you. 1987 Triumph mtv "Never Say Never." The girl in the video is Leslie Hope I think. Shes from Halifax and so is Triumph. Leslie Hope played Jack Baur's wife in the tv series "24" but her character was killed off the first year. Could not find an exact match but lower lip may be off. Then again matching the pictures exact year well...

~Dean said...

i can't remember her name but i know she was a penthouse pet

~Dean said...

her name is Fasha

A.D. said...

No response, eh?

A.D. said...

Did he ever thank you, M&M?

A.D. said...

How about now, three years later?

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

A.D., no response to what? Thank M&M for what?

Unknown said...

Rosetta Millington

Unknown said...

The girls are: Cindy Compton,Kathy Doyle,Diane Manzo,Rosetta Millington.

Unknown said...

She is called Rosetta Millington!

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Which videos are you referring to when you cite Cindy Compton, Kathy Doyle, Diane Manzo, and Rosetta Millington? (Diane is already in the feature.)

A.D. said...

Marc Tyler Nobleman: It appears that this feedback system does not function properly, perhaps? Even when you reply directly to a certain individual, it seems like that person cannot tell that you're replying directly to him, and cannot discern the specific topic that you're trying to reply to. It seems like everyone's kind of lost and confused. Thoughts? Awesome website and concept, btw!!

A.D. said...

Marc Tyler Nobleman: In response to your "No response to what?" question to me: Five years ago "Panopticon" asked you if you had determined the name of the goddess in the Dokken "Heaven Sent" video. I was asking "Panopticon" if he had ever gotten a reply. Again, it seems like this commenting system doesn't work quite right, and creates mostly confusion, with replies not being delivered to the asker with effective clarity. Not that that's *your* fault, of course!

Unknown said...

You may want to seek out Natalie Carroll, who was in Survivor's "High On You" video (the video with the blue lightbulbs, lol). That's probably their most memorable video. She was also the Firebird calendar girl for 1983.

JohnnyVideo84 said...

Hello....very cool site that I never knew existed.
Would you happen to know the name of the Main Actress/Model from the Video "Im' Leaving You" by Rock Band SCORPIONS....cannot seem to find anywhere.
There are many women in the video but she is the main one and leader of the all-girl baseball team and has a stunning Close-Up toward the beginning of the Video. Thanks for your help.

Unknown said...

Still looking for the woman towards the end of "C'est La Vie" in the white slip with the long tangled black hair.

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