Sunday, December 1, 2024

Superman/Batman displays by librarians hosting my school visits

I've had the privilege of speaking at schools in 30+ states and almost 20 countries. School librarians worldwide have a gift for rolling out the read carpet for visiting authors. 

With Superman and Batman as my headliners, librarians have a lot of material to play with.

Sometimes that welcome is a splashy display. Sometimes it's a student-driven project. Sometimes it's a cheeky sign to reserve a parking space [not a requirement of mine, only an appreciated courtesy].

My librarian partners have greeted me with custom T-shirts, graffiti, pumpkins, cake, LEGO, ginormous banners, and so much more.

Here is a gallery of memorable efforts I've documented. [These span years and I didn't note every face/location, so no IDs. Speak up if it's yours!]

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