Wednesday, April 12, 2023

An eventful six weeks: London, ghost town, Survivor Island, Angkor Wat

After a slow fall (only one speaking engagement), I made up for it with a whirlwind six weeks (home for only three single days in between trips):

2/17-24 London 
2/27-3/3 Las Vegas
3/6-8 Connecticut (not pictured, grew up there)
3/11-22 Taiwan
3/22-3/25 Malaysia (including Survivor Island)
3/26-4/1 Cambodia (including Angkor Wat)

This included presentations at 18 schools and one conference.

Beyond that, I was so fortunate to see so much wonder:

Big Ben, London

Rhyolite ghost town, two hours from Las Vegas
on the edge of Death Valley

Taroko Gorge, Taiwan
(wake-up for train: 5:15 am)

Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia 
(coast of the South China Sea)

Pulau Tiga (AKA "Survivor Island"),
Borneo, Malaysia
(wakeup for planning: 6 am)

Killing Fields, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
(wakeup for flight: 2:50 am)

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Angkor Wat, Cambodia
(wakeup for sunrise: 4:30 am)

Side note: most of my shirts/tops are blue.

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