Saturday, October 28, 2023

My first drag queen interview

That could be the title of a picture book! 

Or, these days, perhaps not.

First, an unfortunately familiar recap:

  • In August, in Georgia, the Forsyth County School District asked me to omit the word “gay” from assemblies for elementary students in grades 3 and up or leave. I left.
  • In September, on the eve of my tenth and final scheduled day of talks in Northside Independent School District (San Antonio), the same thing happened.

Intolerance does have an upside: it gets people talking (and, hopefully, reflecting). 

A drag queen named Amber LeMay invited me to discuss these incidents on her YouTube show.

I rarely do podcasts or other streaming interview shows, especially on a topic that the press has already widely covered, but couldn’t resist this. Amber was a gracious host and a savvy interviewer.

Thank you, Amber, for your compassion and time!

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