Monday, March 27, 2017

Thank you letters from Thompson Elementary in Arlington, MA

Courtesy of goes-above-and-beyond librarian Liza Halley, I was honored to receive a stack of heartening notes from the students of Thompson Elementary School in Arlington, MA, where I spoke on 3/2/17 (and first signed my latest book, The Chupacabra Ate the Candelabra).

Among my favorite comments:

  • "You gave a breathtaking story. I walked out feeling different. I felt like I could do things I didn't know I could do."
  • "Your performance was a once in a lifetime opportunity. To me and friends, it changed our lives. It truly changed my life."
  • "In the beginning you told us 'I know some of you don't like superheroes, but you are going to leave this gym with a different perspective.' And not only was that true, it was incredible."
  • "I am really, really excited to watch your movie coming out in early May. I hope that early May means May 4 because that's my birthday and that means it would be my spirit movie."
  • "I like theories. But you took it to the next level."
  • "Just to show you what a difference you made, when I went home and asked my mom and dad who Bob Kane was, they said 'Who's that?' and when I asked if they knew who Bill Finger was, they said 'He created Batman.'"
  • "I got lost in your world of Batman and Bill Finger."
  • "I am happy that I know who create Batman. I told my dad and this is what he said: wow."
  • "You showed me that authors are much more than just people writing down stories: they're explorers, inventors, and creators."
  • "When you told us you got Bill Finger's BEETLE, I really wanted it."
  • "I loved how you said we should be curious. I went out to the woods with those words in my head and I found a huge spider the size of my hand!!!"
  • "I miss you already."

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