Thursday, November 5, 2015

Brownstone Intermediate and Gildersleeve Elementary, Portland, CT

On 10/22/15, I got to see a town new to me in my home state: Portland, CT. I spoke at two lovely schools, Brownstone and Gildersleeve.

Brownstone was built in 1932, so naturally I asked if it hid any ghost stories.

I was told yes. The story given as an example was the rumor that the school used to have a bowling alley. They did not state this explicitly, but I am going to believe that phantoms bowl there now...

The auditorium in which I spoke featured two unretouched paintings dating back to the Great Depression, done under the Works Progress Administration.

It also boasted a dinosaur skeleton, but alas, I did not get the story behind that.

In its cafeteria, Gildersleeve posted fun facts about nutrition and foods from around the world. More schools should do this! A huge, daily opportunity for a teachable moment!


Doesn’t Gildersleeve sound like the forgotten fifth house of Hogwarts?

Thank you to both schools for welcoming me!

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