Houston Chronicle blog coverage
To promote my 10/25/10 talk at the Jewish Community Center of Houston, the Houston Chronicle blog "Iconia—Wherever faith meets art" kindly interviewed me about Superman's religion and a Hitler "rumor," for lack of a better word.
It started off well: Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman was featured on the cover of their fall brochure:
But then due to a printing problem, the JCC was told only several days before the event that the copies of Boys of Steel they planned to sell would not make it, and only after I finished my presentation did the JCC tell me that as of the Friday before, nary a soul had registered. So they had a stressful week.
Yet the books did arrive (the day before) and at least 70 people showed up at the door. I was told this was good. I felt it was, too. Attentive throughout and challenging questions.
And you can't beat the hospitality down here.
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