Sunday, June 30, 2019

A comment that got away while filming "Batman & Bill"

When filming Batman & Bill, co-director Don Argott asked me to show a few books I’d written. When I pulled out my first, I simply introduced it by name and jokingly referred to it as a tour de force.

But this is what I wish I'd said: “When Prince was 24, he wrote Purple Rain. When I was 24, I wrote The Felix Activity Book.”

Don, too, wished I’d said it.

Monday, June 24, 2019

School visit testimonials, word bubble style

Some magazines round up what they consider the best quotations of the previous week and display them within word bubbles; exhibit 1: Entertainment Weekly (which, effective after this weeks issue, is going monthly):

This inspired me to present some school visit testimonials in a similar fashion (sans heads):