That post title misses the key point. The film is about the power of comics in the real world.
Geek, and You Shall Find starts off winning with that clever name (though I suspect that phrase predates the doc). But its depth took me by pleasant surprise. It touches on an eclectic yet trenchant range of topics, from Stetson Kennedy’s use of the Superman radio show to expose the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s to the 2010s character Priya, an Indian woman who survives a rape and becomes a superhero.
I was tipped off about the film by an educator at a school that may bring me in to speak. Not only did I not know till this month that Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman is mentioned in this 2019 release (around the 4:37 mark), but when I thanked the person who was thoughtful to credit me on screen—Arlen Schumer—he didn’t remember participating!
To quote lots of comics: is this real, or is it an imaginary story?