Monday, February 16, 2009

A writer at an artists' museum

In November, I was one of eight honored guests (all either illustrators or author-illustrators) to give a talk at a weekend institute at the Mazza Museum of International Art from Picture Books in Findlay, Ohio. Two spoke Friday night after dinner and the other six went back-to-back on Saturday. It was a challenging event for the audience's posteriors.

PBS filmed the presentations and posted them online. Here is mine.

A few disclaimers:

  • They labeled me a children's book artist, but that's mostly not true. I have drawn a book of cartoons for young people, but that's it.
  • The beginning of the video is cut off, making it look like I began with a stammer.
  • I have been working on speaking slower as I present. This particular talk is not a good example of my practice paying off.
  • The first PowerPoint remote they gave me barely worked, which is why at the beginning a few slides don't change, followed by awkward silence. Finally I mumbled about technical difficulties and someone kindly handed me (off-screen) a replacement remote.

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