The video: “Endless Summer Nights” by Richard Marx.
The girl-now-woman: Blueberry Blervaque.
How old were you when you appeared in the “Endless Summer Nights” video?
I was born in 1962, so...
Where were you born?
Parents both French?
How did you get the nickname “Blueberry”?
Blueberry is my real name, translated. “Myrtille” is the French word for “blueberry.” I was a breech baby and I was suffocating; I turned purple blue. That’s why my mom called me Blueberry.
Friends call you Blue?
When did you move to the States?
When I was 21. I wanted a different life for myself than what my parents did—working from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. just to pay bills. I just took my bag one day and left. I chose California because of a dream. I had big expectations. I studied hairdressing in Beverly Hills for a while and passed my things, but realized if I didn’t have work on the side, it would be a tough time. [So I also pursued modeling.] I’m a lucky girl—even in hard times, good things happened.
Where were you living at the time you shot the video?
What music videos, shows, or movies had you appeared in prior to that?
A little bit of everything—TV shows, commercials, a lot of magazines. Modeling. [NOTE: On IMDb, she is listed as “Borovnisa Blervaque” because her agent didn’t want her to use “Blue.” Her other name for acting is Blair Valk.] It’s a part of my life I look back on and a friend said “You’ve done so much,” but I feel like I’ve done nothing.
How were you cast in “Endless Summer Nights”?
I just went down and did my audition like usual. Sometimes I don’t want to go and the ones I don’t want to go to, I get. So I always go negative. (laughs)
Do you remember what your reaction was when you were cast—or was it just another job?
Nothing special—just another job. But I thought Richard Marx was awesome, very kind. Really brilliant, and that’s rare. I remember that. [Richard Marx remembering Blueberry.]
Had you heard of Richard Marx?
Yeah, because he had another video before that one that was quite popular. I did like his music.
Where was the video filmed?
Wow. I think San Diego and (laughs) I don’t remember. It was a long time ago!
How long was the shoot?
I think it was a couple days.
How did you feel making the video?
I remember that when I had to be interested in him at the end—the love thing—I was super nervous. I was very shy. I’m actually a very shy person. He was really nice. I brought the tears thinking about my family; at first he thought he offended me somehow, but it all worked. [NOTE: There is no crying scene in “Endless Summer Nights” so she may be thinking of “Walk on Water” by Eddie Money.]
There was not really a hard part besides that last scene.
How was it to work with Richard Marx? What was he like?
He was going to Japan for a huge show and Japanese people were there filming him. He was introducing me. He was very funny. A good guy. I met his fiancée at the time, or maybe wife, Cynthia Rhodes, I think it was.
Any funny stories from the shoot?
I remember it was fun but don’t remember special things.
Anything go wrong on the shoot?
Nothing went wrong. Smooth as a baby’s bottom.
What did you think of the video?
I thought it was well filmed. Everybody was happy about it.
No, because I worked on so many videos, but [up to then it was] sexy dancing and things like that. A couple of times I was just jiggling around. (laughs) It’s not me. Then I started doing shoots with stories, like the Eddie Money video. I liked that type better because you could express emotions.
What did your parents think of it?
They loved it. Where I come from, it was something extraordinary. It made them happy. For me it was just a tool.
What did your friends think of it?
They loved it. I enjoyed doing the work but didn’t like the praise too much for it.
Did the video ever affect your dating life in any way (i.e. when you first told boyfriends you were the woman in it)?
Many times, with different videos. I was like “Oh great, this is going to be a shallow relationship.” (laughs) “But might be fun for a little while.”
I get tons of mail from all of the videos, Married...with Children. I’m not a person who keeps—I move forward in life and don’t get attached. I remember moments but that’s that. I don’t even know if I have a copy of the video. I hate computers.
What were you paid?
I was one of the ones who got paid real good—$1,500 or $2,000 [per shoot], depending. Then my rate went up. Good money at the time.
Were you ever recognized in public?
Yes but I always tried to escape that because I am shy. I thought I should be an example but [someone who wants the attention is] not who I am, so I just say thank you [and slip away].
Did you appear in other music videos after that?
I did about 12 or something. The Cars, Alice Cooper—I opened the MTV Music Awards with Alice Cooper. I played the cello with him on stage. I knew how to play like four notes. (laughs) I did well.
Which of the videos you did is your favorite?
I like the Eddie Money one. The Richard Marx, too, because it’s sweet and adorable.
Did you ever met other women who were female leads in a mainstream ‘80s rock video?
Not really. I never really socialized—after a shoot, I went right back to my surfboard. I don’t want to waste people’s time and can see who I want to talk with and who I don’t. I’m a choosy person.
If you went to college, where and what did you study?
Yes. In France. I studied psychology. I have a master’s. And I used it here for some of my friends who had problems. (laughs) A free consultation on the beach while surfing!
What are you doing these days?
I’m a surfer dude. I live on the edge, like to be in the water, in the sun.
I teach surfing and stand up paddling. I spend most of my time with the ocean. Life is good.
I had a dream but people are treacherous in Hollywood. I want to keep my soul sane. I tried to do music. A couple of years ago, I had meetings. I did the whole shebang.
I got involved with two rappers (Fred the Godson @fredthegodson and Mopreme Shakur @mopremeshakur, brother of Tupac) and I recorded a couple of songs. Everything was going perfect but then something went wrong and they boycotted my song. So now I can’t release it. [MTN: But one is here.] Meanwhile my family in France has difficulties with health so I have to travel a lot. I have to be where it counts. In between, the only thing I have is surfing.
You wrote these songs?
Yes, with a producer, Michelle Bell. We came up with a great product. Maybe it’s not over! Maybe I’ll get a call one of these weeks. Here comes grandma with a hit song! (laughs)
Was it rap?
It was pop. My idea was to bring together east and west—two rappers who disliked each other—and it worked.
So what went wrong?
What created the problem was that one of the rappers was becoming quickly famous; I paid him cash to sing one verse and his producer said he wasn’t allowed to lay down a track down like that because he’s not a pop artist, he’s a real rapper. But I couldn’t cut him out of the song.
He didn’t come to your defense?
No, but even if he did, he couldn’t do anything about it. I’m an idiot—I trusted the wrong people. It’s saddening. You can see more about this online—search the name “Tille Blue.” You can read about it and see photos.
Are you still in touch with either of the rappers?
No, I’m not in touch with them anymore.
Do you own the songs?
So you could do them with somebody else.
I tried but it didn’t work out the same. It was not as powerful.
I got approached by another producer. He liked my writing. He wanted to collaborate on a country song—do it as a duet with an American and a Canadian singer. I wrote a song called “Howling at the Moon.” He wanted to break the song in Canada and then bring it here.
One kid was in Canada and is becoming young country star. The other is Jake Parr, a 17-year-old kid in America whose father is Shawn Parr, the #1 country DJ on the radio. But [it didn’t work out because the] kid in Canada wanted the song to himself.
Do you still live in Malibu?
Are you married?
Have you been?
What did he think when he learned of the video?
I met him before all that. I married an actor called Sam Jones when I was 23.
Wow—as in Sam Jones who played Flash Gordon (in the 1980 film)?
Yes. I only date superheroes. (laughs)
Three years.
How did you meet him?
I was working with a doctor as a trainer at a resort, a rejuvenation spa, on the island of Mauritius. He was there shooting a film and staying at the hotel. I met him at the breakfast buffet.
Are you ever in touch with each other now?
When and how did you learn to surf?
After my divorce, I met a man named Vincent Klyn. He was a surf champ and taught me how to surf. He was also in Cyborg, the Jean-Claude Van Damme film (1989). We were together for eight years.
What did you think when you first heard from me?
(laughs) “I don’t want to do it! I don’t want him to bother me!”
So what made you change your mind?
Because my mind has been going all over the place lately and I’m very spiritual. You kept trying. Finally my little voice—nonstop—said “I’m just going to give him five minutes.”
Only a long time ago—I think I did something about Eddie Money.
Have you been in touch with Richard Marx—or Eddie Money—since then?
No. I told you I don’t really socialize. Even if I bumped into them, I wouldn’t say anything.
Have you appeared at any fan conventions to sign autographs?
Would you?
I don’t know if I would do it. I would have to see what happens.
How do you look back on the experience?
I was a very lucky girl who had tons of fun who made good money even though it was not me. I played so many different roles that after that I only looked for perfection in my life and it’s never there. I am going to think positive. Third time’s a charm. (laughs)
I wish you the best. Hope it takes you where want to go. So buckle up, boy, and get ready!
Tweet about this interview to @richardmarx @ImEddieMoney @tilleblue!
Next: Bryan Ferry, “Kiss and Tell” (1988).
She was great in Nemesis. Wish she'd done more stuff.
That smile she gives Richard Marx in ESN...'the face that launched a thousand ships'. What a beautiful woman.
Classy woman.
Cuando vi esa sonrisa, me enamoré, la busqué, tardé y la encontré.
Loved it so real!
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