Similarly, I like to promote books in places where books have rarely been promoted before.
Of course, this is not instead of bookstores. But in a bookstore, you're swimming upstream in a river wild with competition. Whereas in, say, an amusement park or a hotel or a hardware store, you are drifting blissfully downstream on a clear day—usually alone. The jewel of the Nile.
So I pitched a handful of ideas to a receptive marketing person at Whole Foods, the country's largest natural market.

© DC Comics, Whole Foods Market
Another would be more symbiotic—and more of a scene. I gave it the needs-work title of "The Super Eating Challenge." At this in-store event, kids who try seven fruits and vegetables they've never eaten before—possibly in front of an audience—win a signed copy of my book. Seven is for the seven decades of Superman.
Of course, all the fruits and veggies offered will be red, blue, or yellow. (Eggplant counts as blue.)
1 comment:
Hi Marc,
I really like your blog. We're thinking about creating one for our future web site redesign. I wonder if you would be interested in contributing to it.
More to come!
Susan K.
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