Sunday, February 9, 2014

More backlash on lack of Bill Finger Google doodle

Why no Google doodle for Batman co-creator Bill Finger on his 100th birthday yesterday?

Google has not responded to that question.


  • Because the campaign, however fervent and far-reaching, started too late for Google to design/schedule it?
  • Because Bill is not officially credited?
  • Because DC Comics got involved?
  • Because Google prefers to acknowledge non-milestone birthdays (82nd, 103rd, etc.)?
  • Because Google somehow didn’t see this as a cultural and moral obligation the way the thousands of fans who emailed them do?
  • Because despite their motto, Google is evil after all?

Stepping up where Google let us down, the Bill Finger Appreciation Group not only produced a Google-esque doodle…

…but also a clever rationale behind it:

“We can certainly understand Google’s Olympic-themed doodle as it stands against injustice and discrimination but…that’s exactly what Bill wrote about in his stories. With that in mind, we’ve repurposed the shape of [the 2/7/14] doodle to say thanks to Bill once again for his immense contributions to our culture.”

More protest tweets:

  • No Google doodle for Bill Finger. That’s busted.
  • So, wait, not only did we not get a Bill Finger Google Doodle, but there wasn’t even ANY Google Doodle today? That is some Finger luck
  • I guess Google would rather have no doodle than one about the creator of #Batman, Bill Finger. And just when I was happy with them.
  • Given the choice of doing a Google Doodle for Bill Finger or just giving us the finger, it looks like Google opted for the latter?
  • It’s incredibly frustrating that Google didn’t recognize the importance of Bill Finger. 
  • So disappointing! Thank you for fighting this good fight & bringing Bill Finger’s story to the world!
  • Shame Google didn’t come through, but in any case it you did a lot of good work putting the word out there.
  • A shame Google didn’t do anything for Bill Finger’s birthday
  • That’s truly a shame.
  • I keep checking google just in case #BillFingerDoodle #UnreasonablyOptimistic
  • My 8th grade students & I are Bill Finger fans! I share your book to inspire them to change the world & follow the truth!
  • Way to drop the ball Google.Happy belated Bill Finger.
  • No Google Doodle for Bill Finger. Still, let’s celebrate the co-creator of Batman (or the Bat-Man).
  • you know this won’t deter batfans, resolve is everything from this point on #justiceforfinger now we go bigger than google!
  • We did not get a Bill Finger Google Doodle today, but he still deserves one, so keep asking for it.

Thank you yet again to the untold thousands who joined this grassroots movement.

I am thinking we should keep the effort going now to try again for next year…if all of us tweeted about this and sent an email, and asked our networks to do the same, so that Google is getting emails weekly about this…

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